Common Myths vs. Facts about Hearing
When it comes to hearing loss, one encounters several myths. This is dangerous because, without the right information, one cannot search for the right solutions. Sound Advice Hearing Solutions has curated a few common myths vs. facts related to hearing below.

Myths Vs Facts
Did you know?
- Myth: A mild hearing loss is not bad enough for a hearing aid
- Fact: Everyone’s hearing loss and listening needs are different. By working with your Hearing Aid Practitioner, you can determine if a hearing aid is needed and how much it will improve your hearing
- Myth: Wearing two hearing aids is not necessary
- Fact: We normally hear with two ears. Binaural (two-eared) hearing helps us localize sounds, assist us in noisy settings, and provide natural sound quality. Most people with hearing loss in both ears can understand better with two aids than with only one
- Myth: I am too old to benefit from a hearing aid
- Fact: Hearing helps you connect with the world and communicate with those close to you at any age. Your loved ones may appreciate your new hearing aids, too
- Myth: A hearing loss means sounds need to be louder
- Fact: Not really. In most cases, you can hear people talking, but have difficulty understanding what they’re saying. Perhaps you can understand just fine in quiet places, but have trouble in noisy surroundings or in groups. Making all sounds louder just makes understanding harder. Hearing aids amplify the frequencies you need for better understanding
- Myth: If I did have a hearing impairment, I’d certainly know about it
- Fact: The truth is, hearing loss happens gradually and the signs are subtle at first. Our own built-in defences and ability to adapt make it difficult to self-diagnose. A simple Q & A hearing test can help you gain insight, while professional screening can provide a more definitive answer
- Myth: Living with hearing loss is not a big deal
- Fact: There are many psychological effects to hearing loss, including frustration, withdrawal, and depression. Trouble communicating with others creates a strain on relationships and a loss of self-esteem. It’s far better to deal with hearing loss than to pretend it isn’t happening – or to ignore the effect it is having on those around you
If you are looking for comprehensive hearing solutions, call or text us.