Your overall life can be impacted by age-related hearing loss. Besides your ability to hear, your professional life, your social life, and even your mental clarity can also be affected. Over time, hearing loss can profoundly impact the way your brain works in ways that directly impact your mood, your memory, and more. The link […]
Putting off on essential appointments, like your hearing aid fitting, is all too easy amidst the hustle and bustle of daily events. You might not even get around to shopping for hearing aids at all. But hearing loss affects more than only your ears and delaying treatment can have detrimental effects on your whole life. […]
In the hustle and bustle of day-to-day life, our ears frequently shoulder the burden of neglect and inadvertent harm. From the allure of ear candling to the seemingly harmless act of using cotton swabs, our hearing health can suffer from these common yet perilous practices. What follows are a few strategies you can use to […]
It’s likely that earwax and its buildup haven’t been subjects of extensive contemplation for you, except perhaps during ear hygiene routines. Nonetheless, understanding what causes earwax, how it forms, and its purpose is essential. What triggers the accumulation of earwax? Earwax, technically known as cerumen, is a dense blend of debris, hair, skin particles, sweat, […]
Many facets of your day-to-day life can be impacted by Hearing Loss. Your hobbies, your professional life, and even your love life can be impacted by hearing loss, for instance. Communication can become strained for couples who are dealing with hearing loss. This can cause increased tension, more quarrels, and even the development of animosity. […]
It’s an unfortunate fact of life that hearing loss is part of the aging process. Approximately 20 percent of people suffer from some form of hearing loss, though since hearing loss is expected as we age, many decide to leave it unchecked. Ignoring hearing loss, however, can have serious negative side effects on a person’s […]
Otitis media is the medical name for what you probably call an ear infection. Ear infections like this are often seen in babies and young children but they can affect adults, as well, especially during or after a cold or sinus infection. Even a bad tooth can lead to an ear infection. Hearing loss is […]