For many people, the thought of hearing loss causes worry and fear. Facing the thought of not hearing the world as we know it can be daunting, and for some people, fear of hearing loss can stop them from finding essential help. However, stress about hearing loss doesn’t need to stop you from getting help. […]
Normally, the first stages of hearing loss develop slowly. You might dismiss your need for people to repeat what they said as them mumbling or background noise. But when this happens, you begin to think that you may be starting to develop hearing loss. It will be easier to recognize whether your own hearing is […]
Hearing is an essential part of a professional musician’s livelihood and art, not simply a mere sense. Surprisingly, many musicians still operate under the impression that hearing loss is an inescapable aspect of their profession. This is both an outdated and unhealthy mindset. The good thing is, recent legal developments and growing awareness are creating […]
Earplugs can often be a simple and effective way to fall asleep at night if you are being kept awake by disruptive noises. By inserting a pair of earplugs before bed, you can significantly decrease or completely block out sounds that otherwise disrupt your ability to rest. Getting a restful night’s sleep is essential for […]
We can anticipate some specific health changes as our loved ones get older. Hearing loss is one of the most predominant of these health concerns. Around one out of every three individuals aged 65 to 74 deals with some level of hearing loss as reported by the National Institute of Health. This figure increases significantly […]
Most people think that as they get older hearing loss will be unavoidable. The slow decline in hearing is not just a outcome of time passing but a consequence of accumulated damage. Permanent hearing loss accumulates with each exposure to noises like lawnmowers, overly loud earbuds, and concerts. Preventable hearing loss isn’t limited to adults […]
It may seem as though the causes of noise-related hearing loss are functionally well-understood. A fairly clear-cut cause-and-effect connection is indicated by the name, after all. Our fundamental understanding is that permanent hearing damage is caused by exposure to overly loud noise over a long period of time. And while that’s accurate, the mechanisms behind […]
It can be very frustrating and uncomfortable when your ears are itching. While your instinct might lead you to use your finger or a small object to scratch the itch, it is essential to know the root cause first. Identifying the safest and most effective way to deal with the itch depends on determining the […]
In our youth, food choices often were all about taste and instant gratification, with very little consideration for long-term health consequences. But as we become adults we start to become aware of how what we eat can impact our health and overall well-being. Recent research has uncovered a surprising connection between poor nutrition and hearing […]
From sporting events to family gatherings to fireworks shows to motorcycle rides, summer is filled with enjoyable activities. Most of these activities are perfectly safe and healthy, but some do come with a risk of noise-related hearing loss. Over time, the loud noises that come with some of these experiences can result in permanent hearing […]